Single Player Game Download
The single player game can be played on any Windows or Apple computer with the latest version of Adobe AIR installed. This can be downloaded from the Harman website.
If using an Apple computer, please download the AIR runtime which includes WebKit (version and check the "Known Issues" section at the bottom of the Harman download page.
When Adobe AIR is installed, download and install the game:
Game Only (AIR file, 1.3 MB)
Game + Video Tutorials (AIR file, 63 MB)
The video tutorials can be viewed here if the Game Only installation is selected. Please note that in the tutorials drag and drop rather than the default click select method is used when manipulating game assets.
For Windows computer users, an alternative is to download the installation as a runtime bundle, which contains all files (including the Adobe AIR files) required to run the game. This can be useful for users who do not have the Administrator access necessary to install programs on their computers.
Windows Runtime Bundle (ZIP file, 82 MB)
After download, uncompress the zip file, change to the 'AfricanFarmer' folder and double click the file ‘African Farmer’ to start the game.
Getting Started: a 4-page printable overview of the main screens, game flow, tasks and game options.
Single Player Guide: a comprehensive player guide covering all aspects of the game.
Educator Guide: a game introduction for educators, including guidance on running a game workshop.
Release Notes: a list of the changes and bug fixes introduced with this release.